Any broken glass can be recycled

1. Broken glass is 100% recycled, which can be recycled indefinitely without easy reduction of quality or purity. Recycled tempering can replace 95% of raw materials.

2. Glass bottle manufacturers can benefit from the acquisition according to various methods: the acquisition of tempering can reduce the sewage discharge and consumption of raw materials, increase the service life of plant facilities (such as melting furnace), and save energy.

3. Because the glass bottle manufacturers must purchase high-quality tempered glassware to consider the requirements of the city for new glassware, they must always purchase glassware.

4. Remanufactured tempering is a small part of the tempering recipe from beginning to end. The greater the application, the greater the reduction of energy consumption in the furnace. This has prompted the application of acquisition tempering to rush in the long run, reducing the profits of glassware manufacturers and benefiting the environment.

5. Glassware used for meat products and drinks is 100% recycled, but can not be used together with other types of toughening. Other types of tempering, such as windows, microwave ovens, heat-resistant glass, obsidian, etc., are all made according to different processes. If this material is introduced into the glassware making process, it will cause manufacturing problems and defective glassware. The glass slag in the furnace must also have no pollution source, such as alloy, porcelain, rock, stone, etc.

6. The total number of mixed glass dregs (called "3-mix") that can be used by glass bottle manufacturers when making new vessels is present. The tempering of utensils purchased separately according to the hue allows the manufacturing industry to ensure that the new glass bottles meet the hue specifications specified by the glassware customers.

7. Some purchased glassware can not be used to make new bottles and pots or to make glass fiber. This will be due to too much environmental damage or the acquired toughened fragments are too small to consider the production size. Or, there will be no bottle to bottle acquisition in the surrounding area. Subsequently, the acquired tempered glass is used for non vessel glass products. This "once again" use of tempered reconstituted utensils can include floor tiles, filtering, sandblasting, concrete floors and parking fees.

8. The preferred acquisition method of the manufacturing industry is all acquisition schemes, resulting in the acquisition of green and environmental protection. This helps ensure that this material is recycled into new glassware. Although the toughened recyclables collected on the street can lead to high participation and a lot of recyclables, the landing and catering industry collection scheme will lead to the toughening of higher quality purchased utensils.


Post time: Jun-17-2022