Frosted glass bottle

     Frosting bottle is to treat the surface of the glass bottle with the solution made of glass Frosting powder or other chemical raw materials, so as to form a hazy, noble and elegant visual effect. The handle of the bottle is smoother than that of ordinary glass. Compared with other packaging types, frosted bottles have unique advantages in practicability and production technology.

   In terms of production process, the operation method of glass bottle frosting is very simple. You only need to invade the clean glass bottle into the frosting solution for 3-5 minutes, take it out, wash and dry it. The process is simple and easy to learn, the frosting cost is low and the speed is very fast. It is by virtue of the above advantages that frosted bottles will take the lead in the packaging market of “random flowers gradually want to be charming”.

    In terms of effect, the frosted bottle is shrouded on the surface of the bottle like a thin layer of fog, shamefully releasing its unique charm! Beautiful and not publicized, implicit to show their own personality! In today’s increasingly accelerated pace of life, it can instantly make people feel a fresh and refined, elegant and quiet tranquility!


Post time: Apr-18-2022